10 days of action to protect democracy: action 7

Monday, September 21, 2020

The Issue

Flipping the Senate and keeping the House Blue has never been more important.

Exhibit A: Congressional Responsibilities

The Senate has the power to block or pass the next SCOTUS appointments. Congress have the power to move progress forward with new legislation and reverse hurtful legislation. 


  • Reverse harmful legislation
  • If (prayers up) we have a Biden/Harris administration a Blue Congress will pass through needed legislation on climate change (what up, West Coast), healthcare (what up, coronavirus), bailouts (what up, parents - Uncle Joe has an actual plan to bailout the childcare industry), education (what up, too many people/things to name here), voting rights, all of it. A Red Congress has the power to block all of it.
  • If we (please Lord no) have another four years with the burnt cheeto, they have the power to block harmful legislation. 
  • If we flip the Senate we take power from 2020's Class Clown Mitch McConnell (a Democrat controlled Senate = he would no longer be the Senate Majority Leader = he would no longer controls the Senate).
  • Literally zero cons.
Look, I get that the Democratic party has a lot of work to do and it doesn't exactly feel great to be aligned with them, but right now the priority is transferring power so let's do this.

Exhibit B: Congress Makeup 
Representation matters - truly how is a law making body like this making decisions about what I can do with my body? And 3% Black? When we know that 75% of white people have 0 non-white friends, someone explain how such a light Congress can have America's best interests in mind. Note - I added religion in here because these Republicans have a tendency of blurring the line between church and state (I say this as a Christian).

Actions We Can Take

Know Your Ballot

Click here for information on finding your local ballot and how to research the candidates. Spread the word to your friends and while you're at it make sure you and your friends' voting plan is fool-proof. 

Volunteer With Your Local Campaign

Volunteer for your Senator's campaign- you can find the information on their website and hit the ground running. We only have a few weeks to turn this bus around so let's GO. 

Adopt a Candidate

If you live somewhere that doesn't have an important swing election coming up or you're a DC resident who pays taxes but has zero congressional representation (I'm not bitter at all), we are adopting a candidate. Many of these candidates reject PAC and big corp dollars so depend on grassroots efforts.

Tasks for the adoptive citizen:
  1. Donate to the campaign if you are able.
  2. Sign up for the candidate's mailing list to learn about volunteer opportunities.
  3. Volunteer for phone banking, texting, or postcard writing. 
  4. Volunteer for any other remote opportunities (a lot have data analysis roles, copy writing, graphic design, video editing, webinar hosting). These are true grassroots efforts and it is all hands on deck, y'all. 

Candidates up for Adoption:
(this is not a comprehensive list and will change through November)

Other Ways to Donate

Vote Save America's Get Mitch Out or Die Trying initiative collects a pool of donations and evenly distributes to Democratic candidates running tight Senate races to help flip the Senate.

Emily's List's Turn the Senate Blue  campaign distributes donations to Democrat women running for Senate (*Shania Twain voice "let's go girls"*)

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