10 days of action to protect democracy: action 3

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


The Issue

COVID has significantly reduced many campaign activities, but there are two key activities that have been cut that disproportionately impact minority voters: canvassing and voter registration drives (Black and Hispanic voters are two times more likely to register to vote via registration drives. 

Canvassing is crucial for important conversations with voters (particularly on the fence voters), confirming voters have the information they need to show up to vote, and cleaning data lists to identify campaign segments (learn more about that here). Canvassing increases voter turnout by 4.8% - a make or break number in the upcoming election.

20% of voter registrations historically come from voter registration drives, and Black and Hispanic voters are two times more likely to register to vote this way. People who register to vote via a registration drive are also more likely to show up on election day when they register this way. 

Without canvassing and voter registration drives due to COVID restrictions, the US runs the risk of lower voter turnout and less informed voters in 2020.

Actions We Can Take

Phone and text banking are safe, effective alternatives. For today's action, sign up to phone or text bank. Click here to sign up to phone bank or text for the Biden/Harris campaign. If you're interested in supporting a local campaign in this way google the candidates name + phone baking.

I have phone banked in the past and the process was very straightforward and easy to follow. I didn't need to download any apps or add anything to my computer, and the website does all the work for you - all you have to do is talk. The site makes the dials, shows an interactive script on your computer screen to click through while on the phone, and then directs you how to classify the contact. I got a lot of hang ups but did have a handful of meaningful conversations with people who had not yet registered to vote and had questions, who did not know how to find their polling place, and who were on the fence about who to vote for (the script guides you through policy conversations). There is a Slack channel with campaign staffers and other volunteers who are there to quickly answer any questions or resolve technical difficulties you have during the process.

When I make calls I set a goal to do 50 dials, which I can usually hit pretty quickly because of the number of hang ups or wrong numbers (ha). Any time you can commit to this, be it 20 minutes or two hours, will make a difference. 


  • Things are kind of screwed without canvassing and voter registration drives this year
  • A safe alternative is phone banking
  • Click here to sign up to phone bank or text for the Biden/Harris campaign. If you're interested in supporting a local campaign in this way google the candidates name + phone baking.

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