Hello from the in-between where I am really working on being a little more comfortable...
How Social Emotional Learning became the frontline in the battle against CRT (NPR): As a former educator, I am begging everyone to make sure you understand what social emotional learning (SEL) is and how important the research based methods (implemented in 100% of schools) are. This should not be political.
Why US childcare is so broken (The Atlantic): This article is helpful for me to understand the problems and solutions in regards to childcare. A friend also recommended the podcast Where's My Village to learn more.
Could Iran's Regime Fall? (The Economist): I know embarrassingly little about Iran and the politics - this article offers an overview of the issues and what is happening right now - and how a possible revolution led by women could change everything.
The Supreme Court will end college diversity (WaPo): The Supreme Court starts today on a case that could end affirmative action nationally. Early data from universities who have already had to drop affirmative action indicate the proportion of Black and Latinx students could drop by as much as half.
How to encourage your team to give you honest feedback (HBR): We may think we've opened the door to our teams to give us feedback, but it's likely they still aren't giving it openly. This has scripts and actions we can take to actually get that feedback.