Snacky Saturday: Clean Eating CHILI CHEESE FRIES

Friday, January 10, 2014

Confession: I love fake cheese, especially fake cheese on top of fake chili on top of greasy fries- with lots and lots of fake cheese. Like, the faker the cheese the better. I hate baseball but you can find me at a Nat's game any day shoving through the crowd at the concession stand for some of that disgusting liquid nacho cheese. OMG and Velveeta! So needless to say chili cheese fries are a major point of weakness for me.

So I had lots of Turkey Chili leftover from the polar vortex weekend and came up with this. While there is no fake liquid cheese involved it truly hit the spot, and major bonus: not waking up in the middle of the night with heartburn, cramps, and horrible things going on inside my stomach. And you know what? It was really filling because of all the protein and fiber.

And just look how the nutrition facts stack up against each other:

Sonic Chili Cheese Fries
Broke and Bougie Chili Cheese Fries
Servings: 1
Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins

  • 1.5 cups leftover Crockpot Turkey Chili 
  • 1/2 large sweet potato ($.50)
  • 1 slice avocado ($.25)
  • 1/8 cup mozzarella cheese ($.50)
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1-2 scoops reduced fat Greek Yogurt
  • Juice of half lime ($.30)
Make the sweet potato fries- this time I used the mandolin to make large slices of the sweet potatoes and cut those into fries. Took a lot less muscle.

Once the fries are cooked pile them together on the baking sheet, scoop the chili on top of the fries, top with cheese, and return to the oven (at 450 degrees) for ten minutes.

Top with lime juice, garlic powder, Greek Yogurt and avocado. Enjoy!!
Sliced these with a mandolin

And cut them into these!


Love to hear your thoughts and opinions, let's chat!