Wednesday Workout: Staying Motivated

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I'm the kind of person who needs goals and finish lines. When I have an end goal I am hyper-focused and I almost always achieve it, for example I go into beast mode before half marathons and get this focus and energy that (still) surprises me every time. So a confession: even though I want to say that I solely exercise because it makes me feel good and I want to be healthy, I almost always have secret goals deep down such as: upcoming college friend's wedding and I can't be the one who came back fat ///- Want everyone to see our save the dates and be like "HOLY SH*** she looks good! etc. -All of these revolve around what other people think of me and that is so frustrating to me but I'm working on it.

There are some reasons that keep me motivated that are for myself like feeling good, and the fact that exercise is the BEST stress relief for me, and also does anyone else feel like they have ants in their pants when they don't workout for awhile?

Despite these secret- and not so secret - goals I've had a hard time staying motivated lately so today's post I present my inspiration (thanks, Pinterest!).

I actually really don't like the Fitspo that shows women with insane bodies. Good for them for getting to that point, but body building is a career for some of these women or they are just at a point that I will never (and honestly don't want to) be at. If that works for some people then more power to ya, but these are my fitspos:


My favorite excuse:


Because this is some concrete motivation- talk about a finish line:

And a funny (because the last one was 100% serious):
How do you stay motivated?

Linking up today at WOW Wednesday, Humpday Blog Hop, Humpday Confessions, Weigh In Wednesday


  1. I just posted about having no motivation for anything, so this is just what I needed girl!!

  2. Love some of those quotes. It is important to remind ourselves why we do what we do and to make sure that those answers are positive ones.

  3. :) Those Fitspo's are GREAT! They cover all the bases from Serious to Funny..

    I love them!

    Be the best you...
    That's what I am trying to do..

    Fit, Healthy... and ROCKING in a wedding dress in .... 158 days or so....

  4. thank you so much for sharing - i really needed it today :)

  5. I love all these thanks for sharing them!

  6. I just laughed hysterically at your funny meme's!!

    Girl, you look awesome and you're going to rock that dress at your friend's wedding! Happy Wednesday :)

  7. These are perfect. I'm trying to focus on how I feel rather than how I look and I definitely needed this today to keep me from reaching for ice cream! :P

  8. i'm leaving for miami next week ... that's what's keeping me motivated right now :)

    thanks for linking up!

    Vodka and Soda

  9. These are all great, the last one made me laugh! hahahaha! I will take all the motivation I can get.

  10. I love them all! And I agree--I'm not trying to be some body builder or fit super model--just want to get healthy, fit, and happy!!

  11. Lol I love this, especially the last one! Thanks for being such a great #wowlinkup participant!

  12. The last one is too funny, Ive never seen it before! My motivation comes and goes at times which is frustrating because being healthy will always be something that needs to be a priority.

  13. Great post. I completely agree, I'm not motivated by pics with women and totally ripped bodies. I like knowing my body is get tins stronger. I actually have that "food is an anxiety drug" and "athletes train and eat" photos waiting for my Friday post....don't want you to think I'm stealing your ideas! I actually have a similar theme for my Friday Five. Just frustrated with the fitness industry and women in general.

  14. These are some great motivational quotes! I try to remind myself that I never regret a workout...but I do regret skipping one. Visiting from the WOW Link-Up!

  15. I like these! And I don't see anything wrong with vanity the end of the day we all want to be the baddest bitch in the room and I'm okay with that! #wowlinkup

  16. I'm like you I usually need a goal despite exercise being the best stress relief ever! I really enjoyed the last one. Thanks for the pick me up

  17. i've collected some of these too. it's so important to have positive images and ideas to go to when you need them! i especially like that "workout because you love your body not because you hate it" one. so good.

  18. i stumbled upon your blog through i-cannot-for-the-life-of-me-remember-where, but it totally caught my attention. so now i pass the slow hours at work by scrolling through your blog and your recipes (i love cooking, and reading recipes when i cant cook...... weird...). you are approximately 100% hilarious, so youve got that going for you. and you have a healthy/clean/food/exercise/inexpensives blog, which really, who could possibly regret?? nobody. thought id letcha know that you provide laffs for a girl at work with slow season upon her ^_^


  19. lol on the wine and the last one :P

  20. I am notorious for signing up for races to keep me motivated. If I always have an end goal, I am always training for something. Plus working out so hard ensures I can eat what the eff I want without worry (even though I never really pig out on junk food because it makes me feel like crud after).

  21. Love the fitspo's, especially the last one LOL. What keeps me motivated is clothes and blogs. The routines I have seen from the internet has kept me from getting bored with exercise. Clothes are my motivation cuz I want them to fit a certain way. Thanks for this post, I was totally going to skimp out on my workout cuz of the rain. Now I'm a pop in a dvd and get it poppin. #WOWLINKUP

  22. I have a tough time staying motivated at times a couple weeks ago I lost all motivation. I decided to switch up my routine and do something different and I am re-energized and ready to go! I have a few 5ks coming up so I am motivated to keep running for those and the half next month.

    Keep up the good work - you will find your groove again soon!

  23. I really want that tank top! Great Fitspo. I've always needed a goal like a race or an event to keep me motivated on the tough days. Lately I will do the calculations for my race (how much time I have left, how far I need to run, etc) and that will get me out the door and doing a workout in no time.

  24. These are very good ones and motivation ebbs and flows for me but I just have to go out there and DO IT! Seriously - I can't think about it. I just need to be in autopilot mode for it to work. The other day it was raining cats and dogs and I wanted to roll over and stay in bed. I just went into autopilot mode, got up and went out to do what I had to do. I felt much better for you. If goals get you up and out - GOOD! #wowlinkup

  25. that is a very nice post! I also have trouble staying motivated and this helped :)
    and also I adore that shirt, 'wine later' i need it now!

  26. I love all of these images and an relate to the ants in your pants feeling haha. Thanks for sharing! #wowlinkup

  27. I love all of these pics!!! Staying motivated can be hard but soooo worth it in the end!

  28. Because my business and life is fitness it is not hard to stay motivated with exercise but however I need motivation to stay on target as far as my consumption of my sugar intake. Thanks for visiting the #wowlinkup.

  29. Your outlook on life is a reminder that there's always something to smile about! Using this Cps Tester regularly has definitely boosted my confidence in my clicking abilities!


Love to hear your thoughts and opinions, let's chat!