4 Ingredient Crockpot Balsamic Vinaigrette Chicken + House Updates

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Ok first off I want to send a huge thanks and send lots of v-hugs (virtual hugs, not vajayjay hugs which is what I just thought as I was reading over this, how old am I??) to everyone- friends and bloggy bffs- who has been so encouraging and given me advice over the last 2 weeks. I hate moving. I can't think of anything I want to do less- I get crabby, I can't find anything, unpacking takes a decade, and Harrison and I snap at each other because we can't really snap at the move itself. But every time I logged onto social media, the blog, and my email it was like a virtual cheerleading squad, so thank yall- your comments and e-mails mean a lot! Aaannd I'm officially one of those people who has online friends haha.

This weekend my parents were here to help out around the house and we worked every waking second (minus about 30 minutes for me to throw a 5-year-oldish temper tantrum, eat food, realize I was hangry, apologize to everyone, parents to say "it's ok you've been a hangry person since you were born"- thank you, Mom and Dad for helping out even though I'm such a hangry a-hole). We didn't want to take time/spend money to go pick up food (not to mention I may actually go into cardiac arrest if I spend one more penny) so I threw some of the food I found in the fridge into the crockpot and came up with this delicious dinner of Balsamic Vinaigrette Chicken (I def had to google how to spell vinaigrette). OH also our brand new oven broke and it will take 7-10 days to get the new parts in so please please please share any clean(ish) recipes that don't involve an oven or stove- we also don't have a grill (sadface). At this point it doesn't even have to be totally clean, I just can't do Lean Cuisine or anymore take out. 

Prep Time: less than 5 mins
Cook Time: 4 hours in the crockpot

  • 2 lbs chicken breast, thawed ($6.00)
  • 1 Cup Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing (I used Paul Newman's, I know it's not exactly clean but it's close enough right now. This weekend I'm going to make my own clean dressing via Pinterest)
  • 1/2 onion, sliced ($.50)
  • 2 tomatoes, diced ($1.00)
Throw it in the crockpot for 4 hours then enjoy! I had a bag of frozen veggies that I just microwaved (didn't even have to take them out of the bag!!) for 3 minutes to eat with the chicken. Yall this was so freaking good. 

So when I was getting ready to move I told my dad I was frustrated with having incomplete projects to which he said "welcome to home-ownership". I was like NO EVERYTHING WILL BE COMPLETED BY MONDAY. But there are little things that need to happen and boxes unchecked and you know what? I'm still alive. But here's progress on the paint. 

My dad thinks he's so funny because he hung those paper towels from the hand towel ring. I had to leave it so he can share his jokes with the world.

Look at that oven. Sitting there being broken.
Not pictured: the bedroom we painted. Every time I think to take a picture Harrison is sleeping in it, and I don't need to offend the internet with pictures of 250-lb man sleeping in his undies. Not that kinda blog here.

Left on my list:
  • Find a rug for the living room area
  • Find a side table for the living room area (Goodwill here I come! Taking notes from Meg)
  • Hang stuff on the walls (I am the WORST at this- anyone know of a guide for how-to make it look like not just a bunch of crap randomly thrown on the walls?)
  • Mount the TV on the wall (oh hey surprise brick wall behind the actual walls that is making this harder than necessary)
  • Blinds
  • Curtains 
Happy Tuesday and have a great week! Don't forget to leave me links to any of your healthy recipes that don't need to be cooked in an oven/on a stovetop!

OH PS: Zulily has an Under Armour sale today! go get your's! I love me some Under Armour!

Linking up today at Delicious Dish Tuesday, Turn It Up Tuesdays, Tuesday Recipe Swap


  1. You can do it!
    Man, I had dreams that everything would be unpacked and organized in a week.
    And, let me tell you.. I got about 90% of that done.. the other 10%?
    You want to know? It's in boxes hiding in my "office" .. the only unfinished room.

    I'll get there... eventually... ;)

    OH and that recipe looks super easy, and I have all the ingredients!!! SCORE!

  2. Moving is very stressful to me because I want it all completed IMMEDIATELY as in within 48 hours. I am insane.

    Your crockpot chicken looks good, and the Newman dressing is close enough amid all that!

  3. oh my, everything looks fabulous! we have been moved in since december and we have a room filled with boxes and junk that we still havent unpacked. oops.
    and that recipe looks insanely easy and delish.

  4. Nice recipe! I'm always looking for new things to whip up in the crock pot! Your kitchen is beautiful btw!

  5. Your home is sooooo adorable! I'll pack my things and be there in a few hours for a visit - ha!
    I'm glad you clarified "virtual hugs." Was totally thinking the vajayjay route too... What warped minds we have?! LOL!

  6. The kitchen looks beautiful! So clean and stylish, I love it. What about healthy wraps? When I'm road tripping I like to get pitas or tortilla wraps, hummus and a salad mix and put it all together. Sometimes I'll even throw on extra veggies like tomatoes, peppers, onions or whatever suits my fancy. Good luck! When you're done you should do a post on all the simple no cook meals you make :)

  7. That chicken sounds good! I love an easy crock pot meal! They are the best!

    Looks like things are starting to come together! I am ridiculous when I move and I just have to keep unpacking and have everything in place like immediately. I seriously love your kitchen! I think I said that yesterday, but nice!!!

  8. Lindz, the house looks great!!! it's really coming along! I pinned a place to find cheap rugs that may help... http://www.thriftyandchic.com/2014/01/18-large-rugs-that-wont-break-budget.html ... Or if you're just looking for plain rug, I found my standard white one at The Dump - they cut it for you and everything for very reasonable.

    Also... another pinterest tip (see http://feltsocute.wordpress.com/2010/09/15/photo-wall/) ... for hanging stuff - trace the object onto paper/cardboard/anything big enough, mark on the traced cutout where the nail should go, tape up all the traced paper where you think you want the actual picture (you can even use a level to make sure it will be straight), then when you're ready use the nail mark to put the nail in the wall, pull off the paper, and hang the picture. I promise it's not as much work as it sounds like via type! Hope it helps and good luck hanging stuff!

  9. The house looks awesome! And I'm a sucker for anything with balsamic, yum!

  10. I am SO jealous of how your kitchen looks! Minus that whole oven thing, it looks great!!

  11. Girl!! Your house looks adorbssss!!! I love the paint color!
    Hangry is a very real thing.
    I can't believe your oven broke!! I would have lost my mind.
    I just made a whole chicken in the crockpot and it turned out amazing(1 whole chicken, half a lemon thrown inside, salt and pepper the whole thing, add one cup of chicken broth to the pot and cook on low 4-5 hours), also, you can do taco meat in the crockpot without browning it first, and there's my personal fave, crockpot fajitas.
    As for hanging things on the walls, I am the worst. I change things way too often, so it takes a lot for me to put a hole in the wall. Matthew hung me some shelves in the living room and I made a gallery wall that way I can switch the pictures, frames and themes without having to poke new holes everywhere.
    Also, when you find a good rug for less than 4 million dollars, let me know because I need one too.
    I'm so glad you are getting settled!

  12. The house is comming along! Hang in there!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  13. First off, I'm dying about the "hangry" comment. That is my husband to a tee! I'm stoked to have a word for it now, and I can guarantee I'll be using it soon... probably in about an hour. LOL!
    Yay for being moved in and *almost* done painting! We've lived in our house for 7 years now and the walls are still pretty bare, there are a few rooms that could still use to be painted (plus a few more that need to be re-painted with a neutral color), and what feels like thousands of other things left to fix or redo. It's crazy. I'm jealous you're so far ahead so early on in your move. You rock!
    This recipe sounds way good, and I love that you just threw it together with so few ingredients. And in the crock pot! Woot!
    I have a few crock pot recipes on the blog, but I'm not so sure they're "clean" recipes. I wish they were, I'd be so much healthier for it!
    Thanks so much for linking this up with us at Delicious Dish Tuesday!

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