ALO Natural Aloe Vera Juice Review and ALO Drink Giveaway!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of ALO Drink for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I don't usually do promoted posts, but if and when I do, they are products that I truly believe in and think others should know about. I have turned down lots of products because I either don't like them or they don't fit with this blog, so these thoughts on ALO's Aloe Vera Juice are 100% my own opinions. Plus they offered to select a winner out of the commenters on this post to receive a free ALO prize pack (full of juices!) so how could I pass that up? To enter the contest, answer the question in the comments below: what cocktail would you make with ALO drink? Names will be randomly drawn one week from today!

I've been big on using aloe for skin purposes (healing blisters on my poor feet, sunburns, etc), but Aloe Vera in juice form is a whole different story. It's been proven to aid in digestionlower blood sugar in diabetes patientsand prevent heart disease. So I was pretty pumped to try ALO's new Aloe Vera Juice flavors. They have 3 lines of juice with different flavors: ALO Original (that's what I tried- 8 flavors!!), ALO Light (3 flavors womp womp), and ALO Coco (2 flavors of coconut water). The aloe used in this juice comes straight from the leaf, so when I got my first sip with pulp in it I was a little thrown off but it tasted so good it didn't matter haha. It's all organic, gluten free, fat-free, and low in calories unlike a lot of juices out there, and they are the first aloe vera juice to be an approved non-GMO Aloe Vera Juice.

So, I got the box, threw my juices in the fridge and invited some friends over to try them with me because I wanted to make mixed drinks out of them (healthy cocktails? healthyISH cocktails?). My friend Jay even (accidentally) wore a shirt that matched the bottles:

I don't usually drink juice because it seems like a waste of calories to me but this stuff was so refreshing, probably because the highs in DC have been 98 degrees all week and I have been slowly melting. We decided to mix it with some Peach Ciroc because that is my all time favorite liquor and we always have a Costco-sized bottle on hand. Ohhememmmgeee this was delicious. Everyone liked the cocktail, even Harrison who, as I've said before, thinks healthy food is a gimmick and refuses to try. My favorite combination was the Watermelon Peach flavor with the Peach Ciroc.

Peachy-Watermelon Summer Drink:
  • 1 Cup Ice
  • 2 ounces Peach Ciroc
  • 5 ounces Watermelon-Peach ALO Aloe Juice
Mix it well. How easy is that? This was seriously so so good after doing a 30 minute HIIT workout + walking around in the 98 degree heat all day.
The ALO website also has other delicious looking cocktail recipes to try, this is going to be my next attempt:

I will definitely be buying this juice myself because of how refreshing and low in calories and clean it is. See: shameless sweaty selfie:

Random fact (it's the little things for me): each ALO bottle has a QR code that takes you to a song that was specifically prodcuced for that flavor. Ha! ALO also has a pretty sweet soundcloud page you can listen to here

And don't forget about the massive giveaway I mentioned earlier: ALO is also hosting a massive giveaway and everyone who comments on this post answering the question (What cocktail would you make with ALO drink?) is entered to win! Names will be drawn at random out of the pool of comments and ALO will send you drinks! So tell me: what cocktail would you mix with ALO drink? You can also earn entries in their nationwide giveaway by liking their Facebook page, following their Instagram (below), and following their Twitter.

You can find them on social media too:
ALO Website
ALO Facebook
ALO Twitter
ALO Instagram
ALO Youtube

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  1. hmmm... I also stay away from juice bc there are so many calories! Do you have to order online or can you get it in stores?

  2. aloe is the shit! but i must say the idea of drinking it.. mehh? lol. i love it for the skin and whatnot.

  3. Oooh, I've been secretly wanted to try these ALOE waters... and now (that I can make a special adult drink out of it) I WILL! HAHAHAHA!

    Super cool, and your selfie is ADORABLE. :) Just saying!
    Thursday is a big day over at my spot! Come check it out!

    First - Best of you: Energy

    Second - Tabata Thursday

    Third - Twit Thursdays!

    Come check them all out!
    Thanks for letting me join in!

  4. I've never heard of drinking aloe but now that you posted a picture, I do think I've seen these before. I'm the same way about juice and tend to avoid it because why drink empty surgary calories but with cocktails...sign me up! That watermelon one sounds delicious. I am so bad at creating cocktails that I wouldn't even know where to start if I had to make up a flavour :)

  5. I've never heard of drinking aloe - but love that it's gluten free! Wonder if you could make a margarita or a tequila sunrise using it?? Thank goodness it's almost Friday now I was some drinks!

  6. Ive tried these and actually like them. I mean its not far fetched that I would, my mum actually makes an aloe drink from the plant for me on occasion!

  7. I would do the watermelon peach ALO drink with coconut rum ... How much do these cost?

  8. Ooooo! I would totally incorporate this into a mojito. My favorite!

  9. I don't drink alcohol, so I'd mix ALO into a watermelon cooler. Great for cooling off during the summer!

  10. Aloe vera contains natural nutrients and components which boost natural healing and soothing process, which is similar to when Aloe vera gel is applied externally.

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Love to hear your thoughts and opinions, let's chat!