Wednesday Workout {Site of 450+ At Home Workouts}

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

YALL, I have a new girl crush because omggg just look at her blog- 425+ VIDEOS! And her! Those arms! This website is packed with hundreds of HIIT, Intervals,Yoga workouts, monthly plans...basically everything I've said "man I just want to find a website that does ______" is on this site.

While I don't necessarily want to be as muscular as she is in this pic I figure with my level of motivation and my dependence on nightly cocktails I'll be lucky to get myself halfway to Melissa's Bikini Body and I'll be happy with that. I also like her view on fitness and health, this one quote from her "About Me" section has really stuck with me this week: "By caring for your body and maintaining a healthy lifestyle you help shape the quality of your future. In my field I often see that strength and flexibility can mean the difference between a person returning home to live alone, or requiring long term care. It's time to stop remediating problems, and start preventing them."

So today I did these two videos back-to-back and I was hurrrtttinnggg..Her moves are different from the ones I'm used to with Mr. Shut Up and Train, Blogilates and Fitness Blender and it was nice (and hard) to switch it up!

Sidenote: She has her husband video tape her and I think his comments are adorable/hilarious/a little creepy. Wait unless that's not her husband and it's just a cameraman, then it's real creepy.

1 comment :

  1. Feel free to come over and participate in our Workout Wednesday Link Up. I realize it is Thursday but the link up is still available. You can find it here:


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