Clean Eating (ish) BBT Pasta

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

So I'm not quite sure what the deal with pasta is. Is it clean? Is it not? Some people say whole wheat pasta is fine, some people only eat rice noodles, some people use gluten-free. You know what I did? Bought the cheapest out of those 3 options- which happened to be the gluten free version. I recognized all the ingredients so I figured what the hey, why not give it a shot? 

Also I know bacon isn't necessarily clean but it's paleo right? I try to stick to 80/20 (clean/not clean) so it fit into my week perfectly.

Ok and can we just talk about something? I've been cooking clean for almost a year now. Which means Harrison has only eaten clean dinners for almost a year. There have been maybe 3 times that he (ok we) hated the dish- 3 out of probably 300 is a pretty good average - yet every single time he is super skeptical and all like "ok I mean I'll try this to be nice" and 5 minutes later this man has eaten 5 servings. This was one of those meals.

The Sauce (adapted from PPK)
  • 1 cup cashews, soaked in water for at least 2 hours
  • 1 cup natural chicken broth
  • 3 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes (ordered mine on Amazon!)
  • Fresh lemon juice of one lemon
  • 2 teaspoons dijon mustard
  • 2 teaspoons onion powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste
The Pasta:
  • 1/2 pack of Pasta Noodles (whatever you feel is best!), cooked
  • 3 large tomatoes, diced
  • 4 strips turkey bacon, cooked
  • 1/4 cup basil leaves, chopped
  • salt
  • pepper
  • garlic powder
Combine all the ingredients for the sauce in a blender and blend. 

Toss all the pasta ingredients together.

I don't know what about this was so good, maybe it was that I haven't had pasta in almost a year, but it was amazing.

Oh and wedding update: every time Harrison and I set aside time to send out our save the dates we get drunk and get nothing done. Which is fine. But really, we have opposite work schedules and the amount of times we have been to happy hour together in the last 3 years I can count on one hand, yet we have hit one hand worth of happy hours in the last two weeks. But hey, everyone tells us to enjoy our time as an engaged couple so I guess we are just taking their advice to heart? Tonight we went to a new place around the block from my work and Harrison got a fun-sized drink that I couldn't stop laughing about:

Tonight we're going to a wedding food tasting at Main Event Catering, can't wait!

Tell me: Any advice for wedding food tasting? What kind of pasta do you consider clean or DO you consider ANY pasta clean?

Linking up today at Delicious Dish Tuesday


  1. I don't really eat pasta but you had me at Bacon! I would try gluten free if I was to eat pasta.

  2. I just eat the dirtiest pasta I can find. ALL THE PASTA!

    Seriously, though, I'm loving this sauce and I'm going to try it out this week (except, on my dirty pasta). It looks fantastic.

  3. So, I love this--but what the hell are yeast flakes?? And do I really need them? Can I substitute something else?? Also, I am going to try this with Spagetti Squash instead of the pasta!! I'll let you know how it goes:)

  4. We actually never sent out the Save the Dates.. we kept putting it off and finally were like, Let's save some moola and just mail the invitations! Hahaha!

    The recipe looks tasty!!!


    And I giggled a little too much at "En. FREAKING. Joy".
    Just saying.

    1. haha I feel like that's what we'll end up doing!

  5. If you are trying to go paleo or primal, the only pasta allowed is one made from coconut or almond flour. Most replace grained pasta (including gluten free, which means chemicals replace the gluten) (ugh)...with spaghetti squash. It's delish and nutritious! Try that next time! :)

  6. Me and pasta = BFF's! Have fun at the catering tasting event :)

    1. haha I've never been a huge pasta person but this is so good! Thanks Kelly!

  7. I am not really sure what to think of pasta either as far as the healthiness of it goes. I just know I cant completely live without it, so I limit it to a few times a month. Everything in moderation, right?! :)

  8. I just ate lunch and this is making me hungry all over again!!! I love the addition of bacon - great idea!! I would say whole wheat pasta might be as close to healthy for pasta as possible!! Wedding food tasting was almost the best part!!

  9. Anything with pasta has to be amazing.

  10. Bacon and pasta? Yes! You and these amazing recipes. Pinning it.

  11. Yummmmmmmm!!!!! I am making this!! My Paleo challenge crashed and burned. I was bingeing so hard. I am back to some carbs and I am totally back on the wagon!

  12. I love pasta, but no matter how I eat it I seem to pack on pounds. Your recipe looks amazing. I might try it with spaghetti squash or spiraled zuchinni,,

  13. Yum, Yum and YUM!!! Bacon may not necessarily be clean, but it IS necessary! ;) Thanks so much for sharing with us at DDT! Hope you enjoyed the wedding food tasting!! :)

  14. oh my gosh look at that little drink! i am not a fan of bacon (don't shoot me) but the rest of the pasta sounds delish! we had pasta at our wedding, and it was some sort of spicy stuff that the guy said was his most popular dish, and i think our guests licked their plates clean. i love pasta no matter what, but i think most people ... maybe would think if its a light sauce or red sauce it is 'cleaner' than creamy sauce. you know? anywho. have fun!

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